Exclusive Advanced Digital Mapping Features for Experienced Digital Mapping Users
Top Advanced Features and Benefits for Experienced Digital Mapping users who want to get even more from their Outdoor Pursuits and Digital Mapping
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Are you an experienced Digital Mapping user?
How to best describe Quo?
Just think of it as Google Earth + MemoryMap + Anquet all in one ... Plus Much More, as Quo comes with Many Extra Features that none of these have.
Quo, for example, is The ONLY Digital Mapping Tool on the market to offer these exclusive features:
- Manage Rich-Media Content
- MultiChart Technology
- Magnifier
- Transparent Windows
- Synchronize Mouse to Colour
- Multi Select
- User Maps Import
- Tranter's Correction Time Rule
- Quo's Custom Time Rule
- Google Earth File Type Import/Export
- Google Earth 3D View
- WalkingWorld Direct Link
- QBrowser
- The Angling Diary
- Birdwatching Diary
- Compare Route Profiles
- Dynamic Route Profiles
Need more reasons to switch?
- Easily transfer all of your existing data from any other Digital Mapping system, such as Memory Map, into Quo.
- Do we need to mention Lowest OS Map Prices one more time? How about saving 50% with OS map updates?
- As Quo is free, so is also every Quo software update. And there will be many.
And here's a special treat for all of you competitive software users.
Send us whichever proof you have that you own a competitive Digital Mapping solution and we will reward you with an exclusive competitive upgrade discount of 25% for your first map purchase from Quo.